The Pillars of Character at Parnassus are an integral part of our scholars’ education. Students learn about the pillars through our literature and readings in science, history, philosophy, the arts and all other disciplines taught at Parnassus. Our scholars are encouraged to demonstrate the character pillars on a daily bases during class, recess, lunch, and when deeply engaged in Socratic or Harkness method discussions. Read below for a brief overview of our pillars of character.
To honor rules and laws and act with obedience toward authority. To give of my time and abilities to serve others. To uphold social equality and fairness through respect for individual differences and knowledge of our democratic system.
To take turns, share and pay attention. To work with others for the good of all involved with a positive attitude. To be a team-player by doing my best and to support others to do their best.
To always do what I know is right despite hardship and challenge. To resist negative peer pressure and provide positive peer influence. To defend the rights of others and myself.
To make the best choices with my words and behavior by knowing the difference between right and wrong and to ask for adult help if I am not sure. To be a person of strong ethical values.
To complete a task or project to the best of my ability. To not give up or act on discouragement. To be committed to creatively finding a solution.
To treat others and myself with kindness. To be polite and considerate. To appreciate the good in others and myself and show compassion. To treat others and the property of others as I wish to be treated.
To do what I say I will do and be someone others can count on. To use self-discipline when choosing my words, actions, and emotions. To learn from the consequences of my choices, challenges, and mistakes rather than making excuses or blaming others.