Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contact Information

Parnassus Preparatory School
11201 – 96th Avenue North
Maple Grove, MN 55369

Main 763.496.1416
Fax 763.898.3977
Attendance 763.496.1416 Ext. 119

American Student Transportation
(Bus Company): 763.425.2542

Animus & Accendo and After School Extra-Curricular Programs:
763.496.1416 Ext. 319

Emergency and After 6:00 PM:



Come see for yourself what makes Parnassus unique and discover all the possibilities that are here for your children.

11201 – 96th Avenue North, Maple Grove, MN 55369 – Main Office Hours: 7:30am – 4:00pm – Main Number: 763.496.1416
Bus Company: 763.425.2542
Animus & Accendo Programs: 763.496.1416 ext. 319
Technology Support for Families: techsupport@parnassusprep.com